My favorite!

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Teach spelling and reading with math vocabulary.

1 V01/a_e/ halves K
2 V01/a/ add K
3 V01/a/ add < add(ition) = addition K
4 V01/a/ addend 1st
5 V01/a/ after K
6 V01/a/ after + noon = afternoon K
7 V01/a/ algebra 1st
8 V01/a/ analog clock K
9 V01/a/ angle 1st
10 V01/a/ attribute 1st
11 V01/a/ back K
12 V01/a/ balance scale K
13 V01/a/ calendar K
14 V01/a/ capacity K
15 V01/a/ category K
16 V01/a/ character(istic)(s) = characteristics K
17 V01/a/ class(ify) = classify K
18 V01/a/ fact family < famil(-)(ies) = fact families K
19 V01/a/ fraction(al) = fractional part 1st
20 V01/a/ fraction(s) = fractions K
21 V01/a/ gram K
22 V01/a/ half circle K
23 V01/a/ half hour 1st
24 V01/a/ half of K
25 V01/a/ half past 1st
26 V01/a/ January = 1st month K
27 V01/a/ last K
28 V01/a/ mathematics (“math”) 1st
29 V01/a/ pattern 1st
30 V01/a/ random K
31 V01/a/ Saturday K
32 V01/a/ tally chart 1st
33 V01/a/ transform(ation) = transformation 1st
34 V01/a/ translate < transla(–)(tion) = translation 1st
35 V02/i/ differ K
36 V02/i/ differ(ence) = difference 1st
37 V02/i/ differ(ent) = different K
38 V02/i/ differ(s) = differs K
39 V02/i/ digit 1st
40 V02/i/ digit(al) = digital K
41 V02/i/ digital clock K
42 V02/i/ dissimilar = (dis)similar K
43 V02/i/ division K
44 V02/i/ fifteen = 15 K
45 V02/i/ fifth = 5th K
46 V02/i/ fifty = 50 K
47 V02/i/ flip(s) = flips K
48 V02/i/ grid K
49 V02/i/ impossible = (im)possible 1st
50 V02/i/ in + side = inside K
51 V02/i/ in common K
52 V02/i/ in front of K
53 V02/i/ inch 1st
54 V02/i/ irregular = (ir)regular 1st
55 V02/i/ iterate K
56 V02/i/ middle K
57 V02/i/ mint K
58 V02/i/ minuend 1st
59 V02/i/ minute :: 60 minute(s) per hour 1st
60 V02/i/ minute hand K
61 V02/i/ mirror image 1st
62 V02/i/ nickel = 5¢ K
63 V02/i/ picture graph K
64 V02/i/ similar K
65 V02/i/ six = 6 K
66 V02/i/ six(th) = 6th K
67 V02/i/ sixteen = 16 K
68 V02/i/ sixty = 60 K
69 V02/i/ spring K
70 V02/i/ stick figure K
71 V02/i/ thick K
72 V02/i/ thin K
73 V02/i/ width 1st
74 V02/i/ winter K
75 V02/y/ cylinder 1st
76 V02/y/ pyramid 1st
77 V02/y/ symbol K
78 V02/y/ symmetry K
79 V03/o/ bottom K
80 V03/o/ clock K
81 V03/o/ clock + wise = clockwise 1st
82 V03/o/ column K
83 V03/o/ combine < combin(-)(ation) = combination K
84 V03/o/ common K
85 V03/o/ common edge K
86 V03/o/ dollar K
87 V03/o/ dollar symbol = $ 1st
88 V03/o/ long(er) = longer K
89 V03/o/ long(est) = longest K
90 V03/o/ octagon 1st
91 V03/o/ October = 10th month K
92 V03/o/ odd K
93 V03/o/ odd number 1st
94 V03/o/ off K
95 V03/o/ on K
96 V03/o/ operate < opera(–)(tion) = operation 1st
97 V03/o/ possible combination(s) = combinations K
98 V03/o/ probable < probab(–)(ility) = probability K
99 V03/o/ rhombus K
100 V03/o/ solid figure 1st
101 V03/o/ top K
102 V03/o/ volume K
103 V04/a/ abbreviate < abbrevia(–)(tion) = abbreviation K
104 V04/a/ above K
105 V04/a/ adjacent K
106 V04/a/ alarm K
107 V04/a/ alike = (a)like K
108 V04/a/ array K
109 V04/a/ Associative Property of Addition K
110 V04/e/ degree 1st
111 V04/e/ the same K
112 V04/e/ the same time K
113 V04/e/ the same weight K
114 V04/o_e/ none K
115 V04/o_e/ one = 1 K
116 V04/o_e/ one hundred = 100 K
117 V04/o/ color by number K
118 V04/o/ combine K
119 V04/o/ Commutative Property of Addition K
120 V04/o/ compare K
121 V04/o/ compose < compos(-)(ite) = composite shape K
122 V04/o/ dozen = 12 K
123 V04/o/ Monday K
124 V04/o/ money K
125 V04/o/ month :: 12 month(s) per year K
126 V04/o/ nothing K
127 V04/u/ number K
128 V04/u/ number line K
129 V04/u/ number sentence 1st
130 V04/u/ number series 1st
131 V04/u/ plus K
132 V04/u/ subtract K
133 V04/u/ subtract < subtrat(-)(tion) = subtraction 1st
134 V04/u/ subtrahend 1st
135 V04/u/ sum K
136 V04/u/ summer K
137 V04/u/ Sunday K
138 V04/u/ under K
139 V04/u/ unlikely = (un)likely event 1st
140 V05/a/ many K
141 V05/ah/ Fahrenheit K
142 V05/e_e/ edge K
143 V05/e_e/ twelve = 12 K
144 V05/e/ Celsius K
145 V05/e/ cent symbol = ¢ 1st
146 V05/e/ centimeter 1st
147 V05/e/ check mark K
148 V05/e/ decimal point   . K
149 V05/e/ ellipse K
150 V05/e/ error K
151 V05/e/ estimate 1st
152 V05/e/ experiment K
153 V05/e/ express(ion) = expression K
154 V05/e/ February = 2nd month K
155 V05/e/ hexagon 1st
156 V05/e/ left K
157 V05/e/ length 1st
158 V05/e/ less K
159 V05/e/ less than   < 1st
160 V05/e/ less time K
161 V05/e/ next K
162 V05/e/ penny = $0.01 = 1¢ K
163 V05/e/ pentagon 1st
164 V05/e/ rectangle K
165 V05/e/ second :: 60 second(s) per minute 1st
166 V05/e/ second = 2nd K
167 V05/e/ September = 9th month K
168 V05/e/ set K
169 V05/e/ seven K
170 V05/e/ seven(th) = 7th K
171 V05/e/ seventeen = 17 K
172 V05/e/ seventy = 70 K
173 V05/e/ temperature 1st
174 V05/e/ ten = 10 K
175 V05/e/ ten(th) = 10th K
176 V05/e/ twenty = 20 K
177 V05/e/ Venn Diagram 1st
178 V05/e/ Wednesday K
179 V05/e/ yes/no question K
180 V05/e/ yesterday K
181 V05/ea/ head(s) = heads K
182 V05/ea/ heavier than 1st
183 V05/ea/ heavy < heav(-)(i)(er) = heavier K
184 V06/a_e/ change K
185 V06/a_e/ face K
186 V06/a_e/ maze K
187 V06/a_e/ range K
188 V06/a_e/ same K
189 V06/a_e/ same length K
190 V06/a_e/ scale K
191 V06/a_e/ shade < shad(-)(ed) = shaded K
192 V06/a_e/ shape K
193 V06/a_e/ square K
194 V06/a_e/ state K
195 V06/a_e/ take away K
196 V06/a_e/ trace K
197 V06/a/ April = 4th month K
198 V06/a/ data K
199 V06/ai/ pair K
200 V06/ai/ tail(s) = tails K
201 V06/aigh/ straight K
202 V06/ay/ day :: 7 day(s) per week K
203 V06/ay/ May = 5th month K
204 V06/ay/ pay K
205 V06/ay/ ray 1st
206 V06/ea/ great(er) = greater than 1st
207 V06/ea/ great(est)   = greatest value K
208 V06/eigh/ eight < eigh(-)(th) = eighth = 8th K
209 V06/eigh/ eight = 8 K
210 V06/eigh/ weigh K
211 V06/eigh/ weight K
212 V07/eigh/ height 1st
213 V07/i_e/ dice K
214 V07/i_e/ dime = 10¢ K
215 V07/i_e/ five = 5 K
216 V07/i_e/ likely event 1st
217 V07/i_e/ line 1st
218 V07/i_e/ line segment 1st
219 V07/i_e/ line(s) = lines of symmetry K
220 V07/i_e/ nine < nin(-)(th) = ninth = 9th K
221 V07/i_e/ nine = 9 K
222 V07/i_e/ nineteen = 19 K
223 V07/i_e/ ninety = 90 K
224 V07/i_e/ price tag K
225 V07/i_e/ side 1st
226 V07/i_e/ slide(s) = slides K
227 V07/i_e/ time K
228 V07/i_e/ dime = 10¢ K
229 V07/i_e/ line graph 1st
230 V07/i/ diagonal K
231 V07/i/ diamond K
232 V07/i/ direct < direc(-)(tion)(s) = directions K
233 V07/i/ Friday K
234 V07/i/ minus K
235 V07/i/ ninth = 9th K
236 V07/i/ triangle = (tri)angle K
237 V07/ia/ trial K
238 V07/ie/ pie chart K
239 V07/igh/ high(er) = higher K
240 V07/igh/ high(est) = highest K
241 V07/igh/ light(er) = lighter than K
242 V07/igh/ night K
243 V07/igh/ right K
244 V08/a/ quarter coin = 25¢ K
245 V08/o_e/ close(d) = closed figure/shape 1st
246 V08/o_e/ cone 1st
247 V08/o_e/ mode K
248 V08/o_e/ more K
249 V08/o_e/ more time K
250 V08/o_e/ whole 1st
251 V08/o/ colon : K
252 V08/o/ corner 1st
253 V08/o/ forty = 40 K
254 V08/o/ forward K
255 V08/o/ horizontal K
256 V08/o/ morning K
257 V08/o/ most K
258 V08/o/ most-to-least 1st
259 V08/o/ November = 11th month K
260 V08/o/ o’clock K
261 V08/o/ open figure/shape 1st
262 V08/o/ ordinal K
263 V08/o/ ordinal number 1st
264 V08/o/ oval K
265 V08/o/ over K
266 V08/o/ over + lap(p)(ing) = overlapping K
267 V08/o/ rotate < rota(–)(tion) = rotation 1st
268 V08/o/ short K
269 V08/o/ short(er) = shorter K
279 V08/o/ short(est) = shortest K
271 V08/o/ total K
272 V08/ou/ four = 4 K
273 V08/ou/ fourteen = 14 K
274 V08/ou/ fourth = 4th K
275 V08/ou/ fourth of 1st
276 V08/ou/ fourth(s) = fourths 1st
277 V08/ow/ low(er) = lower K
278 V08/ow/ low(est) = lowest K
279 V08/ow/ row K
280 V09/o/ today K
281 V09/o/ tomorrow K
282 V09/o/ two = 2 K
283 V09/u_e/ June = 6th month K
284 V09/u/ July = 7th month K
285 V09/u/ numeral 1st
286 V09/u/ numerate < numerat(-)(or) = numerator 1st
287 V09/ue/ clue K
288 V09/ue/ Tuesday K
289 V09~C39/ew/ few K
290 V09~C39/ew/ few(er) = fewer K
291 V09~C39/ew/ few(est) = fewest K
292 V09~C39/u_e/ cube K
293 V09~C39/u/ unique 1st
294 V10/e_e/ sphere 1st
295 V10/e/ before K
296 V10/e/ behind K
297 V10/e/ belong(s) = belongs K
298 V10/e/ below K
299 V10/e/ between K
300 V10/e/ December = 12th month K
301 V10/e/ decompose = (de)compose K
302 V10/e/ degree K
303 V10/e/ denominator = nominate < (de)nominat(-)(or) = denominator 1st
304 V10/e/ eleven = 11 K
305 V10/e/ equal = K
306 V10/e/ equal shares K
307 V10/e/ equal(s) = equals K
308 V10/e/ equate < equa(–)(tion) = equation 1st
309 V10/e/ even K
310 V10/e/ even number 1st
311 V10/e/ evening K
312 V10/e/ geometry < geometr(-)(ic) = geometric solid 1st
313 V10/e/ reflect < reflec(-)(tion) = reflection 1st
314 V10/e/ regroup = (re)group 1st
315 V10/e/ represent 1st
316 V10/e/ sequence K
317 V10/e/ series of events 1st
318 V10/e/ zero = 0 K
319 V10/ea/ least K
320 V10/ea/ least value 1st
321 V10/ea/ least-to-greatest 1st
322 V10/ea/ season(s) = seasons K
323 V10/ea/ year(s) = years K
324 V10/ee/ three = 3 K
325 V10/ee/ week :: about 4 week(s) per month K
326 V10/i/ liter 1st
327 V11/a_e/ large K
328 V11/a_e/ large < larg(-)(est) = largest K
329 V11/a/ bar graph K
330 V11/a/ cardinal K
331 V11/a/ fall K
332 V11/a/ March = 3rd month K
333 V11/a/ quality < quali(–)(tative) = qualitative K
334 V11/a/ quantity < quanti(–)(tative) = quantitative K
335 V11/a/ small K
336 V11/a/ small(est) = smallest K
337 V11/a/ tall(er) = taller K
338 V11/a/ watch K
339 V11/au/ August = 8th month K
340 V12/ou_e/ route K
341 V13/hou/ hour :: 24 hour(s) per day K
342 V13/hou/ hour hand K
343 V13/ou/ count K
344 V13/ou/ count back K
345 V13/ou/ count on K
346 V13/ou/ count(ing) = counting up K
347 V13/ou/ out + side = outside K
348 V13/ou/ pound K
349 V14/oi/ coin(s) = coins K
350 V15/er/ certain event 1st
351 V15/er/ vertex 1st
352 V15/er/ vertical K
353 V15/ir/ circle K
354 V15/ir/ first = 1st K
355 V15/ir/ third = 3rd K
356 V15/ir/ thirteen = 13 K
357 V15/ir/ thirty = 30 K
358 V15/ur_e/ curve K
359 V15/ur/ Thursday K
360 V15/ur/ turn(s) = turns K