[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]… Go for it!!

[A]  PHONOLOGICAL ACUITY :: Use WA’s Sound Map.  Differentiate.  Articulate.  Blend speech sounds.  Rhyme.

[B]  CONCEPTS OF PRINT :: Spell-out speech sounds.  Say letter names.  Craft letter shapes.  Use left-to-right directionality.  Credit author/illustrator.  Examine book parts.

[C]  READING READINESS :: Pronounce and spell vocabulary-to-be-read.  Use WA’s *CloudSpelling* and Word Lists for Literature Mastery.  Notice roots.  Notice affixes.

[D]  READ TO DISCOVER :: Visualize.  Predict.  Make connections.  Clarify.  Summarize.  Fluently intone an author’s message with appropriate emphasis.

[E]  SHARE INSIGHTS :: Think critically.  Dare to inquire more deeply.  Discuss.  Debate.  Enjoy!