Could I… ???

Could I practice bold virtue in every thought, my joys would surely multiply.  The further I go, the less I know; somehow there is always MORE to explore.

V01/a/ practice

V02/i/ in, is

V03/ough/ thought

V04/u/ multiply

V04/e/ the

V04/o_e/ some, somehow

V05/e/ every, explore, less

V06/ay/ may

V06/e_e/ there

V07/i/ I

V07/y/ my

V08/o_e/ more

V08/o/ go, bold

V08/ow/ know

V09/o/ to

V10/e/ because

V11/a/ always

V12/ou/ could, would

V13/ow/ how

V14/oy/ joy(s)

V15/ir/ virtue

V15/ur/ further

V15/ure/ surely